The learning management system (platform) “STAR-NET LMS” was successfully deployed and put into operation in 2017 with the support and in cooperation with the nuclear knowledge management section of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The STAR-NET LMS is based on Moodle, an opensource learning management system. Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments. Moodle is easy to use and requires no special IT experience or knowledge, while having great functionality for content and learning management.
The platform aims to support STAR-NET activities, tasks, and products:
- Development of STAR-NET own educational courses and materials;
- Support of STAR-NET events, e.g. meetings, trainings, workshops, internships of member universities;
- Support of STAR-NET working (thematic) groups;
- Informational and promotional materials from the Member Universities;
- Educational courses developed and contributed by the member universities for use by other member universities;
- Test environments (test courses) to help member universities to get more familiar with the learning management system functionality and to develop their own educational courses;
- Learning Object Repository (LOR).
The STAR-NET Central Administration Group oversees the administration and operation of the STAR-NET LMS. Coordination groups at member universities provide user support at the university level.
Registration of new users of the platform is carried out by the STAR-NET LMS coordination groups at member universities through the STAR-NET LMS Central Administrative Group.
STAR-NET LMS Central Administration Group
lms.contact-point ★ star-net.online