Rosatom and Russian universities creates training programmes on ‘fast’ reactors for foreigners
Rosatom institutions and three Russian universities unite in a scientific consortium that will develop educational programmes for training (more…)
Rosatom institutions and three Russian universities unite in a scientific consortium that will develop educational programmes for training (more…)
To meet the world’s present and future needs for clean and reliable energy, skilled professionals are needed to ensure the sustainable development of nuclear power. (more…)
On April 27-28, 2021, the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) hosted the II International Scientific and Technical Conference (more…)
The VI General Assembly of the STAR-NET network approved the initiative to organize a standing educational and methodological seminar “Educational technologies in higher education” (more…)
Regional education networks have joined forces with national networks to advance their cooperation in nuclear education, training, research and outreach. (more…)
On February 26, 2021, the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Technology and the Higher Engineering School of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI presented their work on a large-scale project to create a digital twin of a research nuclear reactor. (more…)
On February 18-20, 2021, the 19th International Specialized Exhibition “Education and Career was held in Minsk, Belarus – for graduates, schoolchildren and students. (more…)
18 experts from seven IAEA Member States and two nuclear educational networks (ENEN and STAR-NET) participated in the three-day virtual meeting (more…)
A video conference in the format of a round table discussion was held on December 4, 2020 as part of the STAR-NET course “International nuclear cooperation. Technical aspects”. (more…)
The VI General Assembly of the Regional Network for Education and Training in Nuclear Technology STAR-NET was held on November 25–26, 2020 (more…)