In December 2016 the International Student Olympiad on Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technologies was took place in a number of universities – members of the regional network STAR-NET.
The general organizational and methodological support of the Student Olympiad was provided by the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. The Olympiad was held in sections “Automation and Control”, “Electronics and Microelectronics” and “Nuclear physics and technology.”
Sections “Automation and Control” and “Electronics and Microelectronics” were held at two locations: the NRNU MEPhI and the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics (BSUIR). In order to ensure a level playing field for students of these universities, the tasks have been prepared by teachers of BSUIR and MEPhI.
The completion on “Nuclear Physics and Technology”, carried out by teachers from the NRNU MEPhI, was attended by students of the Belarusian State University (BSU), Yerevan State University (YSU), State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA), as well as students from universities of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Totally more than 150 students participated in the Olympiad. The best results were showed by the students of NRNU MEPI, BSUIR, BSU and SEUA. The Student Olympiad in nuclear physics and nuclear technologies demonstrated reinforcement of cooperation between universities – members of the regional network STAR-NET in the academic field. Strengthening of the International Olympiad movement plays the important role in training of young professionals as well as has also a great significance for the development of nuclear knowledge in these countries.