From 21 November to 2 December 2016 24 students and three teachers from the Belarusian State University (BSU) completed the internship programme on Nuclear Security. The internship was held in the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI) under the STAR-NET umbrella and within a framework of a collaboration educational programme between the BSU and the NRNU MEPhI.
A one week internship programme for the students included the short courses on “Fundamentals of accounting, control and nuclear security of nuclear materials”, “Physical protection of nuclear facilities” and familiarization with the specialized educational labs of the department of “Theoretical and experimental physics of nuclear reactors”. The students under a supervision of the departmental staff completed a few practical works in the modernized laboratory “Technical equipment for physical protection”.
The BSU teachers completed two week professional development programme on «Physical protection of nuclear and radiation hazard facilities», became acquainted with the unique experience on the implementation of the educational programme in area of Nuclear security.